Top Rehab Centers in Wilton, California 2024

In the heart of Wilton, California, individuals seeking addiction treatment will find a supportive environment conducive to healing and growth. Renowned for their comprehensive approach to substance abuse recovery, Wilton’s top rehabilitation centers offer a blend of expert care, personalized treatment plans, and a serene setting. These facilities specialize in addressing a range of addictions, including ecstasy abuse, and provide various services from detox to emotional support.


Each center in Wilton is committed to helping individuals overcome addiction and rebuild their lives. With a focus on both physical and mental health, the treatment programs incorporate evidence-based therapies and holistic methods. This multifaceted approach ensures that every aspect of addiction is addressed, from the initial detoxification to long-term recovery strategies.


Wilton’s rehab centers are not just about overcoming addiction; they are about transforming lives. With the guidance of experienced professionals and a supportive community, individuals embark on a journey towards a healthier, drug-free future.

Top Rehab Centers Near Wilton

Treatment Setting

Aftercare, Intensive Outpatient (IOP), Outpatient, and Residential

Treatment Setting

Aftercare, Detox, and Residential

Treatment Setting

Residential and Telehealth

Treatment Setting

Aftercare, Detox, and Residential

Treatment Setting

Aftercare, Detox, Residential, and Telehealth

Treatment Setting

Aftercare, Detox, Intensive Outpatient (IOP), Outpatient, Residential, and Telehealth

Treatment Setting

Aftercare, Detox, Residential, and Telehealth

Treatment Setting

Aftercare, Detox, and Residential

Treatment Setting

Aftercare and Residential

Treatment Setting

Aftercare, Detox, Inpatient, Outpatient, Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP), Residential, and Telehealth